Why should I pursue early childhood music education for my child? 
Music awakens and stimulates neural pathways in the brain that are associated with higher forms of intelligence, such as abstract thinking, empathy, mathematics and science. Music's melodic and rhythmic patterns provide exercise for the brain and help develop memory. Remember singing the ABC song to learn your ABC's? Studying music helps children establish good listening habits, which are essential for achievement in school. Overall, music activities are perfect for child development. Music immerses the child in language, evokes movement, stimulates the brain and fosters physical coordination - all in a group setting that builds community - a holistic experience.

How long do the classes last each week?
All classes are 45 min and meet once a week. Our Studio classes currently follow a Fall, Winter, and Spring Session and a Summer Session, utilizing a sequential curriculum. Children love the progression from semester to semester, as patterns and songs are repeated and built upon, addressing students' needs at each level. 

Can I do a 'drop-in' class?
Our MG Sessions are intended to build community with the same group of families over each of our sessions. The children build trust with the other adults in the class and the grownups also build lasting relationships with other parents and caregivers. For this reason we reserve single class options only during special holiday, pop-up, or Saturday classes.

Can I make-up a class?
Beginning Fall 2024, families are granted 4 make-up classes per session. If joining us for a pop-up class, please refer to our policies.

Does my active toddler or crawling baby need to "sit still" during class?
No! We welcome busy babies, toddlers, and preschoolers. We expect and welcome children to explore as long they are being safe.  It doesn't mean they aren't listening! 

What makes our Musikgarten program different from other early childhood music education programs?
Our program was developed and written by leaders and pioneers in early childhood music education and early childhood education. There are no "bells and whistles." In a world that is often over saturated with an excess of visual stimuli, our program focuses on the simple. We are training even the youngest of learners to listen without over- stimulating them.

What is the role of parent and/or caregiver in the class?
Parents and caregivers are an integral part of class! Our classes are not entertainment, but a chance for parents and caregivers to bond with their little one through music and movement. Our goal is for adults to use the skills and activities they learn during our classes and continue music making at home. We encourage all adults to sing aloud and proud! The sound of your voice is the most beautiful sound to your child.

Why do the students get Home Materials? Are we supposed to practice at home?
Children and parents can have so much fun at home and in the car with Musikgarten songs and activties. As you continue in the MG program you will have a definite "favorite list" that many parents continue to still sing with their older kiddos!

As my child gets older there seem to be more and more activities for him/her to do? Why should I continue with Musikgarten?
After being in the program for a while, you can see the benefits your child is getting from class. It is our view that singing, dancing and playing (in class and at home) is the best for your child's holistic development: language, movement, math skills, and physical coordination.

Please remember all children learn at different rates and in different ways. Some children will be quiet in class, others will be active. Our goal is to encourage all families to join in our activities at their own pace. Please remember the expectation in on the grownups to model songs and activities.